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De DNA-sequenties van kankercellen en normale cellen van de patiënt worden vergeleken met een referentie staal. De mutaties worden dan verder onderzocht of ze resulteren in aminozuur wijzigingen in de gecodeerde eiwitten.

Four pairs of complementary shoulders

To achieve the objectives, various expertises are needed. Therefore, the partners from the Flemish biotech landscape (Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven and Brussels) put their weight behind the Persomed project.


With their tumor analysis platform, the bioinformatics experts of myNEO in Ghent deduct on which specific epitopes to focus on.

QbD and Antleron

The consultancy company Quality by Design (QbD) in Antwerp and the R&D specialist in cell engineering, Antleron in Leuven, use their collective expertise to develop a closed, scalable and cost-efficient production process.


This process, developed at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), entails the reprogramming of patients' blood cells in the laboratory to powerful immune-activating dendritic cells which subsequently are administered back to the patient.

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